Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where are we now?

"None of us is as smart as all of us."
~Ken Blanchard
There is wisdom in groups. You know, you have seen it in the news...when things go right and wrong. Trending is a part of our society now; you see trending topics on the social media sites like Twitter, and that gives us a fair idea of what many people are interested in. Have you found any trends in your life or your community that you would like to share?


  1. We are preparing to see Esther and Jerry. This will be our second time and we are the envy of several of our friends...If you are aware of Esther and Jerry you will understand how going every year is important to help raise and clarify your least if you follow Abraham.

  2. Listening to Gregg Braden on YouTube, several interesting videos there. Gregg talks about how we are all a part of the earth ecology and when we get centered in our heart energy we help ourselve and our planet.
